I haven’t been doing actual posts as much as I would like and I can’t even say with all the activity coming my way that I will do much better in 2015. So… I will at least let you all know what the plan is for us and the blog.
There will be at least one post per week! I am setting up a schedule of all the sailing related quotes I have found around the internet so there will be something to inspire. I will also keep posting the Astoria, Oregon home port pictures so that will make two posts per week. If I can get the time, I want to study some other sailors and post their stories so that may come up from time to time. Also, as I get replies from my inquiries to fellow travelers, I will expand that series as well.
I don’t feel comfortable telling Dovid’s story so I will let him tell his part when he’s ready. As for me, I am starting a one-year certification program for Maritime Sciences in January! The Clatsop Community College recently started a US Coast Guard Approved set of courses so I am VERY excited to get on that in a few weeks! I will be finished with the certification no later than spring 2016 and then we will be off!
We would still like to file to be an OFFICIAL non-profit organization but are not sure which category we properly fit into. I have a HUGE vision for what we can do on land in addition to the trip itself. I want to find ways for all of YOU to participate in your home town as well as online. It will require MASSIVE help and organization so this is a work in progress. Since I am working now, I will be getting legal services so that we can be sure that we are 100% by the book. Stay tuned for updates on that as things happen!
I really do appreciate the support we have gotten since I started this blog back in 2012! Thanks so much for reading!
~ Niccolea
Filed under: Bloggish, Diary, Preparation, Update Tagged: blog, certification, maritime, nonprofit, official, studies, Update, work